Pro-life activist Maison Des Champs, who goes by the moniker “Pro-life Spiderman,” has taken to the heights once again, scaling the Sphere...
In a recent op-ed on Fox News, one woman described her harrowing abortion pill experience, warning against the widespread push for easy...
Are rats more important than humans? That’s the question prompted by a pair of recent tweets from California Rep. Ted Lieu, who...
On February 1, a Dutch law allowing the euthanasia of terminally ill children went into effect. The law legalizes the killing of...
New Hampshire lawmakers last week rejected an effort to expand abortion in the state, while also voting down two proposals that would...
An Australian woman has died after undergoing a first-trimester abortion procedure on January 12. According to the Daily Mail UK, 30-year-old Harjit...
Members in the French National Assembly, the country’s lower house of parliament, overwhelmingly approved a bill Tuesday that would enshrine a “right”...
The Dutch doctors’ federation KNMG has removed the age limit requirement for those who want to access assisted suicide by starvation. Per...
Victoria was a single mother with two little girls, working two jobs to make ends meet when she met someone and “fell...
Lawmakers associated with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk have introduced legislation that would undo the country’s widespread preborn protections and allow abortion...
A Nebraska baby who was born at just 24 weeks has left the hospital after 116 days. John McClinton, who is nicknamed...
German Family Minister Lisa Paus announced legislation Wednesday that would establish a buffer zone of 100 meters (320 ft) around the country’s...
New York Governor Kathy Hochul made her commitment to abortion even more pronounced this week, hosting a Planned Parenthood Day of Action...
Tennessee lawmakers introduced a bill last Monday that would make it a felony for an adult to take a minor out of...