Christian filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick are working with actor Kirk Cameron on a new movie called “Lifemark,” which will highlight the beauty...
A recent flight from Ghana to Washington, D.C., had an unexpected arrival after a woman gave birth to her baby boy midway...
A Tennessee law prohibiting abortions based on a preborn child’s race, gender, or a diagnosis like Down syndrome is back in effect...
Two sisters in Poland have found each other after nearly 80 years apart, all thanks to DNA testing. Halina Michałowska and Krystyna...
Nebraska Lt. Gov. Mike Foley, currently the acting governor, issued a proclamation on January 28 in which he officially recognized a pro-life...
Little Rory Byers was born at premature 24 weeks, weighing just 1 pound 3 ounces. In the seven months since his birth,...
A baby born at just 23 weeks of pregnancy has defied the odds and is now heading home with her family after...
A real estate developer in Visalia, California, is fighting a proposed Planned Parenthood in the city. Dave Paynter, the owner of Paynter Realty...
Indiana House legislators voted January 25 to advance a bill that would make it a felony to coerce a woman into an...
A routine flight from London to India in October 2021 took an unexpected turn when a woman went into labor while on...
Pro-life non-profit organization Care Net recently commissioned a study to better understand how influential men are in abortion-making decisions. “The Care Net Study...
An abortion facility in New Mexico decided to mark the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22 by handing out...
Shantel Allmon’s water broke when she was only 22 weeks pregnant, causing the Virginia mother to think she was suffering a miscarriage. “I...
On January 20, lawmakers in France passed a formal resolution declaring China’s treatment of the Uighur Muslim people as genocide. The motion,...