You know what the media just doesn’t have enough of? Puff pieces making the abortion industry look totally wholesome. On Wednesday, Yahoo...
At the Guardian, Molly Redden has a very interesting piece that, despite her best efforts to fit the square peg into a...
In a new interview, failed Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis tells Mic reporter Elizabeth Plank that she aborted her second child “out...
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has distanced himself from a super PAC’s planned ads on his behalf attacking Florida Senator Marco Rubio...
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has been having a rough time trying to become the Republican presidential nominee for a variety of...
Just as with CNBC’s debate, no abortion-related questions were asked at the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate. The event was also...
Several Christian pro-life groups have joined forces to protest a proposed Obama Administration regulation they fear would infringe on religious organizations’ First...
It really, really bothers abortion supporters that the rest of the world won’t drink the Kool-Aid they’re peddling. At Salon, Danielle Campoamor complains that...
A new poll by Middle Tennessee State University finds that a majority of the state’s voters think abortion should be banned. 53% said...
In 2013, California enacted a law allowing nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants to perform first-trimester aspiration abortions. Bill author...
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), the head of the House special panel to investigate Planned Parenthood, is pledging an examination of the abortion...
St. Louis University president Fred Pestello has put a stop to the Catholic school’s chapter of Law Students for Reproductive Justice hosting...
The team behind 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, a film about the crimes and media coverage of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, has screenings...
Today’s earlier news about Planned Parenthood suing for the ability to perform abortions at a Florida medical park where surgical procedures are forbidden may...