Over 500 pro-life measures have been introduced in a majority of states so far in 2022. This follows a similar trend set...
The consumer cost for the abortion pill has skyrocketed by over 13% in recent years, all while the industry has simultaneously eliminated...
As it was in the days leading up to the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, there is today an abortion...
It is not uncommon to discover that abortion clients are being sent to nearby hotels while they await multi-day later abortion procedures....
WARNING: This article contains disturbing images. Live Action and Live Action News recently released photo imagery of abortion victims — babies who appear to have...
Maryland media outlet WUSA9 was not exactly accurate when it claimed a Live Action Instagram post stating that a Maryland abortion bill could...
Multiple members of Congress sent a letter today to Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Robert J. Contee III of Washington, D.C., calling for...
A patient who allegedly received an abortion at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C., is questioning whether her baby may have been born...
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has released its guide for language on abortion. In it, the organization claims that the term...
Planned Parenthood is being flooded with taxpayer dollars through the Federal Title X Family Planning Program days after receiving a $275 million donation from MacKenzie...
Lynn Fitch, Mississippi’s first female attorney general, has made the defense of the dignity of human life a hallmark of her career...
Pro-life lawmakers need to work quickly to stop the rapidly expanding business of virtual abortion pill dispensaries. Today, abortion pill expansion efforts including TelAbortion, mail...
The generic manufacturer of the abortion pill — GenBioPro — claims to have captured a significant share of the nationwide market for...
Texas State Representative Briscoe Cain has sent a letter to Citigroup demanding that the corporation rescind its recently announced policy to pay...