As we usher in 2020, we somberly mourn another decade of legalized abortion which ended the lives of nearly 7.7 million preborn...
Live Action News has uncovered a document which indicates that the Population Council, a non-profit founded by eugenicists (which brought the abortion...
In yet another example of pro-abortion hypocrisy, websites illegally dispensing the abortion pill remain active and online while websites illegally selling vaping products...
Pro-abortion men have been the driving force behind the decriminalization of abortion since the 1950s and 60s. Tragically history is repeating itself...
The abortion industry is aggressively working to expand abortion, specifically through “self-managed” abortions. The move towards expansion has been supported by Guttmacher, Planned Parenthood and others,...
A new report on the state of “independent abortion clinics” published by the Abortion Care Network (ACN) reveals yet again that “independent...
Abortions on Black women have now reached their highest percentage since 2000, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease...
The media is falsely claiming the results of a newly published study — which included only a dozen women and whose lead...
There has been a glaring double standard surrounding the investigation and ensuing criminal charges against pro-life journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt from the...
Data compiled from the U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) reporting through fiscal year 2018 reveals that “the number of children...
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has announced that it has filed a defamation lawsuit against a former Planned Parenthood abortionist after...
A new study which seeks to elevate self-managed abortions as “safe” has been funded with a grant from a pro-abortion organization. The...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) just released its latest (2016) data on reported abortions which reveals a 50 percent drop in...
The New York Times recently published abortion survey responses submitted by 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates — and they show an extreme support for abortion, prompting...