Millions of Title X dollars have been diverted to recipients other than Planned Parenthood, since the abortion corporation’s decision to voluntarily exit the federal...
A former Planned Parenthood staffer and registered lobbyist has been tapped by the Elizabeth Warren presidential campaign in Florida. According to, Kimberly...
Contrary to popular belief, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) is not an unbiased source regarding abortion. The group actually...
A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would prevent the FDA from loosening important safety restrictions (known as REMS)...
The public is often led to believe that we need Planned Parenthood, which presents itself as a health care organization, to prevent pregnancies and reduce...
According to a new report published by the Guttmacher Institute, abortion numbers dropped nationally by seven percent from 2014 to 2017, from 926,200...
In 1982, approximately 17,000 babies were found in a repossessed storage container in Los Angeles. The babies, many of whom were over...
Two abortionists selected by Facebook’s fact check organization (to fact check Live Action’s claim that abortion is never medically necessary) wrote a Washington...
Live Action News has exposed the fact that abortion pill investors are funding abortion studies which claim medication abortion is safe or should be...
Health Feedback, which is now being investigated after recruiting two abortionist “fact checkers” to target the pro-life group Live Action, has added...
Abortion pills on state college campuses may soon become a reality, depending on how the California legislature votes tomorrow on SB 24,...
During a Congressional hearing this week which exposed that babies who survive abortions have been left to die, former nurse Jill Stanek testified...
Expanding abortion has long been the goal of the industry which profits from it. Abortion pill clinical trials are being conducted and...
Editors of the website may have been the initiators of the recent “fact check” of Live Action by Facebook. The editors of...