A report claiming abortion is safe, published in March of 2018 by the National Academies of Science (NASEM), was funded by abortion collaborators...
A TelAbortion study sponsored by the pro-abortion Gynuity Health Projects, describes potentially serious complications participants might suffer, but gives a misleading description of fetal...
NARAL Pro-Choice America, the largest pro-abortion lobby group in the U.S., is reportedly advising volunteers to alter their messaging by instructing them...
An amazing study which reveals positive developmental assessments of people with Down syndrome was recently published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics (AJMG)....
A program at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) trains students to commit abortion using various fruits like papayas and watermelons...
Media coverage of Planned Parenthood is largely favorable, but the same can’t be said for pro-life healthcare organizations. Media bias was evident...
While Planned Parenthood staffers leave the abortion business in droves, the media appears complicit with the abortion corporation in making ousted president...
An opinion piece written by an author associated with radical pro-abortion left wing groups and published by Newsweek is more of the...
Planned Parenthood has declared its intention to “go on the offense” by releasing an agenda for the expansion of abortion, which says,...
How does the abortion pill affect a preborn baby in the event that a woman chooses to attempt to reverse the effects...
Planned Parenthood claims to be a health care organization, but it isn’t actual health care that is increasing there; it’s abortion. The corporation’s abortion market...
Three pro-abortion foundations and one anonymous donor are funding research and subsequent studies using flawed data from the so-called Turnaway study. The...
By all appearances, Planned Parenthood’s new acting president Alexis McGill Johnson, immediately replacing ousted emergency room physician Dr. Leana Wen as president, is...
Do women who take the abortion pill and then decide to continue the pregnancy have an increased risk of fetal anomalies? Abortion...