As Live Action News previously noted, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is not neutral; it is pro-abortion. Now, a...
It should be no secret that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is pro-abortion. In 1966, members of ACOG moved...
Ever since the abortion debate began, the American public has been told that abortion is necessary in cases of rape, incest and...
Half of all U.S. abortions are repeat abortions, according a report published by the Tara Health Foundation (TARA), whose stated goal is to...
Jeremiah Thomas is 16, pro-life, and is currently battling cancer. And he is receiving scores of hate messages after he dared to...
Recent Gallup polling indicates that the percentage of women who favor unrestricted abortion is slightly higher than men, yet an experienced Democratic...
Can abortion negatively affect future pregnancies or possibly even contribute to infertility? Conflicting claims abound. While some, like one author at, believe any...
At least 22 women have died after taking the abortion pill regimen, RU-486, and many others have experienced serious complications, according to updated data...
Live Action News has previously documented that later abortions are much more common than the public is led to believe. Now, a Live...
In recent weeks, Live Action released a new investigative report and a seven part docuseries, revealing Planned Parenthood’s decades-long pattern of helping child sex...
In the days leading up to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in America, pro-choice advocates claimed hundreds of...
The MeToo and TimesUp movement have so far been silent, refusing to condemn the decades-long complicity of Planned Parenthood in failing to...
Live Action News has previously documented how taxpayers in several states are footing the bill to pay for abortions, even repeat or...
Live Action has created a simple way for supporters to send public comments to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on...