Under the federal Hyde Amendment, abortions which are considered “medically necessary” qualify for reimbursement. As the Senate debates defunding Planned Parenthood, information has...
A new Live Action video release unmasks the oft-repeated claim that taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood do not fund abortions. The abortion corporation, which...
Planned Parenthood has released its 2015-2016 annual report nearly five months later than usual. Both abortion and taxpayer dollars to the abortion corporation have...
As a longtime pro-life journalist and activist, I do not think I have ever been as moved speaking with an older pro-life...
In a video published on YouTube and Facebook, an alleged Planned Parenthood patient claims that Planned Parenthood discriminated against her based on her...
Since the debate over whether taxpayers should be forced to fund Planned Parenthood began, the abortion corporation’s supporters have argued that defunding...
A new Live Action News analysis of the April 2017 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report comparing Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs — a...
Planned Parenthood likes to claim it is not focused on abortion, despite the fact that its abortionists commit well over one-third of all abortions...
Planned Parenthood’s political mouthpieces often tout the organization’s virtually nonexistent services, like prenatal care, to justify the the half a billion taxpayer...
Planned Parenthood claims to provide a number of health services… but what they don’t tell the public is that these services have...
A Maryland Planned Parenthood president appears to have backed out of a local NPR radio interview after learning that pro-life advocate, researcher,...
The Humanist Manifesto was a document written in rejection of orthodox teaching on religion and the existence of God and was signed...
The 340B Drug Discount Program is a federal government program created in 1992, following the enactment of the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program,...
Documents from three states indicate that babies may be born alive after abortions more often then we might expect. Published data for...