A surrogate mother is raising twins after the would-be biological parents abandoned the children. Allegedly, they did not want to undergo the...
An annual event hosted by Athlética Vaticana, a sports organization sponsored by Vatican City and the city-state’s only official sports team, paired...
Border Patrol Agent George Huertas was off duty, participating with his family in a charity 5K event when his training as an...
The Swiss Medical Association has released new guidelines regarding assisted suicide in Switzerland. The guidelines, which are not legally binding, but act...
Sean and Veronica Williams were thrilled about her pregnancy and looked forward to welcoming a baby. But their happiness took a sudden...
It’s not unusual for wealthy, privileged people to argue that minority women and those who have a low income need legalized abortion....
Last year, an inquest found that a woman in the United Kingdom died after taking the abortion pill in March 2020, which led...
An Illinois abortion facility has sent another woman to the hospital, the latest in a long line of injuries from the notorious...
A group of pro-life students led a counter-protest at a “Bans Off Our Bodies” abortion rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, where they...
Nancy Pelosi, who has long touted her Catholic faith while advocating for abortion, has been banned from receiving Communion by Salvatore Cordileone,...
A long-time environmental activist is asking authorities in Canada to approve his assisted suicide, due to his anxiety over climate change. According...
Abortion has increasingly been promoted in African nations by Western countries and organizations, many of which claim it will solve any number...
Live Action reporters attended the “Bans Off Our Bodies” rally in Los Angeles, California, and saw just how far abortion activists will...
Oklahoma lawmakers have passed another pro-life bill, this time protecting human beings from the moment of fertilization. HB 4327 is again modeled...