The world watched in horror as Charlie Gard’s parents had their ability to make medical decisions forcibly taken away from them at...
The tragic Alfie Evans saga seems to be coming to a heartbreaking end. In their latest appeal, a judge once again refused...
UPDATE: April 25 — Alfie’s father, Tom Evans, told the media that the hospital is now feeding his son after 28 hours without...
China and India are notorious for their cultural preference for boys. Because of this, abortion has become a valuable tool to help...
Just a few short days ago, Alfie Evans’ parents lost their final court battle when the British Supreme Court ruled that Alfie’s life...
The United Nations Commission on Population and Development has concluded without producing an outcome document, thanks to opposition from the United States...
People across the world are celebrating today after Kensington Palace announced the birth of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s third baby. Middleton...
Experiencing a miscarriage is one of the most devastating losses a woman can go through. What can make it even harder is...
UPDATE: The European Court of Human Rights has refused to intervene in the case, noting that it rejected the family’s application as...
Tammy Duckworth recently became the first senator to give birth while in office. Duckworth, a former lieutenant colonel in the Army, was...
Mississippi is one state that has made great gains towards protecting both preborn babies and women. In March, the state offically banned...
Assisted suicide is increasing in popularity across the world, with Hawaii becoming the latest state to legalize it. Advocates brush off any...
James Scott Pendergraft is a notorious late-term abortionist who has traveled around the country, leaving dead children in his wake. Pendergraft is...
An abortion facility in Alabama is in hot water after failing to report two abortions committed on an underage girl. The Alabama...