Earlier this year, a controversy erupted at University College Dublin. UCD Students’ Union president Katie Ascough, who had just been elected in...
The FBI has asked the Senate for unredacted documents obtained from abortion facilities related to Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of fetal body parts,...
Far too often, pro-abortion advocates downplay the seriousness of abortion. It would seemingly be something that most people can agree on, that...
As Canada moves to embrace assisted suicide, the country has found itself going further and further in just several short years. Assisted...
One of the scariest things for a teenager to face is an unexpected crisis pregnancy. And that’s exactly the situation Miranda found...
In 2015, Canada officially legalized assisted suicide. And the number of people taking advantage of it is huge — in Quebec alone,...
A Venezuelan quadriplegic man has posted a video on YouTube, begging Nicolas Maduro to allow him to undergo euthanasia. Marco Guillen lives in...
It wasn’t that long ago that assisted suicide was seen as a horrific crime; in the 1990s, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was given...
Each year, countless families across the country have to find a way to celebrate the holidays from inside a hospital. Parents of...
Parents in Kenya are outraged after discovering that Marie Stopes International visited a school and gave the young, underage girls there long-term...
There is much debate in religious circles surrounding abortion. While it is clear that being pro-abortion is incompatible with Christianity, there are...
Over 35 years ago, at the young age of 13, Lesley McAskie was raped. She lived with her parents in northern Ireland,...
A 17-year-old girl is in the midst of a major court battle between the Trump administration and the ACLU. The girl, an...
Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart recently closed down his facility in Germantown, Maryland, which had been purchased by a pro-life organization, Maryland...