Wesley J. Smith spotlights another horrifying report out of Belgium. Fresh off of their euthanasia-for-children success, Belgian doctors have decided that being...
Abortion laws in the United Kingdom restrict abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy. The only exception? If the baby is diagnosed...
Defenders of Planned Parenthood often argue that the organization is more than just abortions. They provide low-cost medical care for women! They...
Bristol Palin spotlighted the amazing and heartbreaking story of Sophia Kyla Dennis, daughter of Lindsey and Kevin. At twenty weeks pregnant, Lindsey...
Abortion is a big business in New York, aided and abetted by politicians eager to make it even more commonplace than it...
According to pro-abortion activists, we need Planned Parenthood. They’ll rattle off a list of reasons – naming all of the supposed good...
No one wants to have an abortion. That’s what they say, right? Abortion activists insist that no woman ever wants to have...
The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case has abortion activists extremely riled up. The way they carry on, you’d think that David Green...
A recent incident at the University of California, Santa Barbara made nationwide waves. Thrin Short, a 16-year-old pro-life high school student, was...
A report out of England today is making waves around the world. An investigation found that the bodies of thousands of aborted...
They are the words that no one is ever prepared to hear about their baby: we believe the baby might have Down...
Most abortion advocates are careful to act as if they’re not really fans of abortion. No one likes abortion, they’ll say. It’s...
Imagine you’re a young girl facing an unplanned pregnancy. You’re scared, confused, and you feel alone. You’re getting pressure — from your...
Last year, North Dakota became the first state to ban the abortion of babies with Down syndrome. It was a small but...