Wednesday, Lori Ziganto (one of my favorite bloggers) wrote a brilliant piece in response to an article Jessica Valenti wrote on Feministing....
I came across an absolutely awful story today, courtesy of Liberty Pundits, about a man who forced his girlfriend to unknowingly have...
I haven’t written about the abortion tweeter, Angie Jackson, yet. I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve watched the video a couple of...
Officials decided to investigate the death of one woman who had received an abortion at Women’s Medical Society, an abortion clinic in...
Mechelle Hall has an incredible story that the mainstream media has completely ignored. She is a young woman who got pregnant and...
Ed Morrissey is in Washington, DC covering CPAC for Hot Air, and Live Action President Lila Rose stopped by for an interview....
A pro-life billboard from Georgia Right To Life has liberals and feminists hopping mad, angry about being confronted with an uncomfortable truth....
Last year, there was a firestorm over Janet Napolitano’s right wing terrorist list. This list included war veterans and pro-lifers. Once the...