With the release of the latest video from The Center for Medical Progress came reminders of the driving force behind the aborted...
The sign says Hillcrest Women’s Medical Center, but a recent Pennsylvania inspection of the Harrisburg facility shows it’s no friend to women....
As Live Action News reported this morning, The Center for Medical Progress released a new video exposing the horrific discussions behind-the-scenes of...
The Trump administration seems intent on keeping its campaign promise of defunding Planned Parenthood. President Donald Trump’s new fiscal year 2018 budget...
Maddi Runkles, a 4.0 student at a private Christian school, Heritage Academy, in Hagerstown, Maryland, was featured in a New York Times story on...
The media reporting on the charges against The Center for Medical Progress investigators, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, might mislead the average...
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains has announced that it will close three of its six New Mexico facilities this year, citing...
There will soon be two states without a Planned Parenthood facility. The last standing Planned Parenthood location in the state of Wyoming is...
Reading the Twitter feeds of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and their friends in abortion, one might think that abortion is as important as breathing....
Only 51 votes stand between life and death for thousands of human beings this next year as roughly 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s...
New Mexico’s most populous city, Albuquerque, is infamous for being one of the late-term abortion capitals of the nation. On Wednesday, politicians...
Students for Life of America (SFLA) confronted Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards at a Washington, D.C., Planned Parenthood rally on Wednesday. While...
The bipartisan National Adoption and Foster Care Home Study Act could help change the adoption and foster care process nationwide. The bill, S....
A California state senator thinks the state’s college students need more access to “free” abortion, and she has proposed a bill to give...