Last week in Clark County (Las Vegas), NV, the local school board meeting was flooded with parents, furious about sex education proposals...
Earlier this month, the state of California demanded that even Catholic universities offer elective abortions through insurance plans. Life Legal Defense Foundation...
It’s certainly no secret that some churches support the choice to abort. While it’s counter-intuitive to the Christian faith, which began with Mary’s surprise pregnancy,...
These days the in thing for abortion advocates seems to be defending abortion at all costs. We recently told you of the...
The Des Moines Register editorial staff defends illegal activity and unsupervised abortion this week in an editorial that shows an unparalleled level...
Over the next 40 days, in 297 cities in 13 countries, there will be people standing outside their clinics. There will be people...
After many years of immersion in the pro-life world, I believe myself to be rather unshockable. I’ve heard stories that would make...
Americans have been deceived by the cheap paper that holds an Executive Order saying no taxpayer funds can be used for abortion,...
If this abortion drama had a theme song it would be “We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore.” This is the anthem of...
The abortion industry is crying foul after GoFundMe shut down the site of a woman begging for money to kill her baby....
This past Tuesday (September 9), Christian rapper Lecrae released his new album, Anomaly, which addresses abortion in the song “Good, Bad, Ugly.” Behind the...
Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas wants women to know that even if the rest of HB 2 is enforced, they will still...
Perhaps most known for his portrayal of Jesus in The Gospel of Matthew film, actor Bruce Marchiano has turned producer and screenwriter...
Some Catholics are hoping that Planned Parenthood will join the infamous ranks of the historical enemies of the church, and the American...