Deborah Caradamone refuses to be silent about her daughter’s untimely death. Marla Cardomne died at 18-years old from a botched legal abortion...
A fount of inspiration.
We are winning! And that's not stopping any time soon.
"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"
Please take some time to pray for our state.
A cold reminder that children are our greatest gift.
A refutation for someone who's wrong from head to toe on the issue.
If you're disillusioned by the pro-life movement, it's time to give it another shot.
Let's have someone with actual integrity, TIME.
Can you truly be pro-life without also being anti-death penalty?
I don't have a problem eating chicken while I fight for unborn babies.
May we all learn from a true hero and a warrior for good.
It all comes back to racist population control for Richards and Planned Parenthood.
Finding someone to share your heart with.