In an effort to discredit the overwhelming evidence against them, Planned Parenthood commissioned an analysis into videos released by Center for Medical...
Planned Parenthood is still claiming innocence, despite overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing and illegal activity throughout various parts of the organization. The abortion...
The Fertility Control Clinic, an East Melbourne, Australian abortion clinic, has lost a court battle in which it tried to force the...
Have you ever been in a dysfunctional relationship with a significant other or a parent, or maybe even a friend? One minute...
Planned Parenthood has filed suit in federal court against the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to block the state from discontinuing Medicaid...
Common sense. It’s what tells you not to chew that wad of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. It’s what...
Iowa may become the latest to join a growing list of states to launch investigations into Planned Parenthood. Today, more than 40...
Like Tom Petty, Florida won’t back down. Planned Parenthood, after being in an investigation in which they were caught breaking the law by...
Since the release of the first incriminating Planned Parenthood video from the Center for Medical Progress, a flurry of investigations have ensued....
We all know Planned Parenthood has been in some hot water recently. And that’s putting it mildly. While some contend that the...
President Obama has finally done the right thing. He has made a statement condemning the trafficking of human body parts. Speaking of...
He doesn't want to appear judgmental.
Please forgive us for being born male. What were we thinking?