UPDATE, 10/8: The Center for Reproductive Rights is seeking a rehearing of the case by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,...
New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, continues to prove that women are extremely capable of being successful, dedicated, working mothers. Having a...
In a press release dated September 24, 2018, The Department of Health and Human Services announced that it is terminating its contract...
Being a mother at any age has its challenges, but being a young, single pregnant woman can sometimes feel so daunting that...
Pregnancy resource centers in Hawaii have had their free speech upheld in the case of Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor v. Suzuki, a case...
At age 21, Brenna Burk made a decision that turned out to be more life altering than she ever expected. She chose...
There seems to be no shortage of controversial, pro-abortion billboards recently. One group in Texas infuriated women of color by posting a...
The Falls Church Healthcare Center, an abortion facility in Falls Church, Virginia, (a member of the National Abortion Federation and NARAL Pro-Choice...
Live Action News has shared many stories of multiples pregnancies in which parents were pressured to have selective reduction — in other...
When Martin Schmidt turned 18, his adoptive parents gave him the names of his biological parents so he could decide whether or...
Newly chosen Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen claims that as an emergency room physician, she saw a patient die from an...
At National Review, Dr. Michael New notes the number of polls that have analyzed Americans’ views on whether Roe v. Wade should...
The UK Independent reported yesterday that home secretary Sajid Javid considered evidence obtained in a review of pro-life activities outside UK abortion...
Keisha Marie Atkins, died after a botched late-term abortion she received at Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Keisha, who was...