Thomas Evans and Kate James, the parents of 23-month-old Alfie Evans, who passed away nearly five days after UK courts refused to...
Matt Cobrink, a 53-year-old man with Down syndrome, had never been separated from his 88-year-old father Malcolm for days at a time…...
In June of 2017, one proud grandmother shared a video of her precious grandsons with the world on YouTube. But this video...
If you look at the history of the abortion movement, both in America and worldwide, it has roots in the population control...
In May, the Trump Administration proposed adding the Protect Life Rule into the Department of Health and Human Services’ Title X Family...
The BBC reports that current abortion law in the United Kingdom requires a woman to visit an abortion provider for a medication...
“He’s very outgoing, he’s spunky, he’s got a great personality.” These are the words of Whitney Dinkel, mother of two-year-old Roman, born...
An August 23, 2018, press release from Created Equal notes that infamous abortionist Martin Haskell’s facility in Ohio has been ordered by Judge...
The “Inspiration” section of a magazine isn’t typically the place one would think to look for a story about being proud of...
Live Action has, since 2015, been fighting Twitter for suppressing ads due to so-called “inflammatory” content — like ultrasound photos. As previously...
Contrary to popular belief, taxpayer dollars do fund abortion at various abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood. And on August 16, 2018, Senator...
Alex Paulson of Devils Lake, North Dakota, has become a Taekwondo World Champion at age 22. But it’s not just his relatively...
In late October of 2017, Little Winston Rochat was born 15 weeks premature, weighing just one pound, one ounce at birth, and...
If you ever had any doubts about how closely tied Planned Parenthood is to abortion, doubt no longer. The organization has just...