Pregnancy is an amazing time in which the body goes through many changes to nourish a new, developing human being, and to...
What leads each of us to the pro-life movement may be quite different, but what we all have in common is the...
Dr. Yvonne Gilli, the head of Switzerland’s affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), recently spoke at the Vatican as part...
In her 2014 autobiography, “There Was a Little Girl: The real story of my mother and me,” actress Brooke Shields revealed that...
This week at Townhall, Christine Rousselle reported that France is seeking to lower the age of consent to 13. Feminists are reportedly in...
The New York Times shared a video earlier this month of “Modern Love: Lost and Found,” viewed thousands of times on its...
Yesterday, NBC News published an opinion piece by Travis Rieder, a Johns Hopkins bioethicist, who suggests that people must stop having children...
The list of celebrities who have been affected by adoption — either by adopting or by being adopted — is a long...
This week, Marquise Goodwin, wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers, posted heartbreaking news on his Instagram page. Goodwin’s wife, Morgan, went...
Several years ago, Ann McKinney wrote a passionate blog post on her thoughts about what being against abortion really means. “We have...
Pro-life is pro-adoption. That’s why, when news broke that the new GOP tax plan would eliminate the adoption tax credit for families,...
To fight a Texas bill banning one type of abortion, abortionists have been forced to admit the dangers of late-term abortion. Yesterday,...
In late October, the case of an illegal immigrant teen in government custody seeking an abortion came to a close when the...
The Center for Medical Progress has released another video interview with Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress fetal tissue procurement technician who worked...