“Inwood Drive” is a new documentary produced by Mark and Amber Archer of Fearless Features, currently available for viewing by clicking here....
An Illinois man is facing charges for battering his former girlfriend, who is 29 weeks pregnant with his child. The victim told...
UPDATE, 3/19/20: Yesterday the Senate passed a second COVID-19 spending bill, known as “phase two,” and President Trump signed it. According to...
Heidi Crowter, who has Down syndrome, is understandably upset by a proposed new law in the UK that would allow babies with...
UPDATE 3/16/21: The Biden Administration has requested the Supreme Court to dismiss the lawsuits involving the Trump Administration’s Title X Protect Life...
The latest video in Live Action’s “Pro-Life Replies” series counters the claim, “Abortion is a constitutional right.” In this video, Josh Craddock,...
Yesterday, Instagram reportedly censored a post made by LifeNews.com which called attention to Down syndrome abortions in the United Kingdom. But Instagram...
This afternoon, President Donald Trump became the first President to ever address the March for Life in person. At the 47th annual...
On January 24th, the day of the 47th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., remembering the Roe v. Wade decision that...
Last week, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and several of his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives remembered the upcoming 47th anniversary...
The value of a human life should never be predicated on whether or not that human being has the capacity to feel...
In July, new media company Asian Boss interviewed a South Korean pastor known for starting a ministry in Seoul to save babies...
Live Action News published more than 2,000 articles in 2019 and received more than 33 million page views. Visitors to our website...
In a moment that had pro-life viewers reacting in amazement, FOX Sports announcer Gus Johnson let slip some pro-life personal history about...