Alliance Defending Freedom, an internationally-involved legal organization (who, incidentally, wins nearly 80% of its cases), has released 11 short videos exposing the...
In response to the U.S. House’s vote to defund Planned Parenthood (for a year, while Congressional investigations continue), pro-abortion Planned Parenthood supporters...
Since the second GOP presidential debate on Wednesday, Planned Parenthood’s abject terror of Carly Fiorina has become abundantly evident. When a powerful,...
In a vain attempt to defend Planned Parenthood, CNN has merely shown that it, too, is blind to the truth. In an...
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to suspend Planned Parenthood’s federal funding for one year, as the investigation into the abortion...
Since the release of the first undercover video demonstrating a scandal-rich, law-breaking Planned Parenthood, the White House has towed the line, making...
At today’s Congressional hearing on Planned Parenthood (which can still be viewed here), pro-abortion politicians created an uproar when they were forced...
In last night’s second GOP presidential debate, hosted by CNN, Senator Ted Cruz censured both Planned Parenthood and the Republican leadership who...
Scandal-ridden Planned Parenthood has admitted to yet another core problem: they care more about the headlines than the law. In today’s new...
Today, Live Action President Lila Rose put out a memo to members of Congress – including Speaker of the House John Boehner and...
Planned Parenthood continues to spout off some of the most ridiculous ideas around the nation. Here’s five: 1) Cutting off women and...
This morning, the Congressional Judiciary Committee conducted its first hearing on the investigation of Planned Parenthood. Titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific...
Over and over, the American public is blasted with a deceptive message: Women need Planned Parenthood. In the words of Planned Parenthood...
In an unsurprising turn of events, Planned Parenthood and its president, Cecile Richards, have taken to Twitter to publicly praise an abortion...