Throughout the current Planned Parenthood debacle, it’s been clear that the White House has given nothing more than ineffectual responses, making constant...
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains — and Planned Parenthood in general — is finally being exposed for what it really is....
Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, appeared on TV over the weekend for the first time since the Planned Parenthood scandal broke...
Popular photoblog Humans of New York recently shared two true stories about people who chose life instead of abortion. Facebook users responded...
If all the naysayers – and the White House, for that matter – are looking for proof that Planned Parenthood broke federal...
The Daily Caller reports that Planned Parenthood has paid Dr. Deborah Nucatola over $200,000 as an independent contractor. This in addition to...
Last night, David Daleiden – the leader of the Center for Medical Progress and the man behind the Planned Parenthood investigative videos...
Planned Parenthood is giving drinks a bad name. And Lamborghinis. The second explosive video on Planned Parenthood has been released this morning...
At a press conference today, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the DOJ will review the investigative videos about Planned Parenthood....
In a completely out-of-touch move, White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, has insisted again today that Planned Parenthood is ethical. Despite the...
Less than two hours after the Center for Medical Progress posted their second investigative video about Planned Parenthood on YouTube, Twitter exploded...
According to the first investigative video released by The Center for Medical Progress, it would appear that Planned Parenthood’s top officials are...
This morning, a reporter attempted to get an answer from White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on the video implicating Planned Parenthood...
After only the first investigative video release from the Center for Medical Progress, the American public has expressed their grief, outrage, and...