In a stunning display of Orwellian newspeak, a CNN news story recently described an abortion survivor as “a fetus that was born,”...
After receiving a notice of violation from Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights in late January, California is refusing to...
A recently published piece in Vox highlights a new study which questions the popular mentality that having one fewer child is the best way...
A pro-life challenge to a buffer zone ordinance passed by the City of Jackson, Mississippi, has had some recent success in court. The...
Advocates for protecting preborn children will gather this week for the state of Virginia’s second annual March for Life. The March will...
An advocacy group for the rights of disabled persons in Spain has introduced a measure that would end the current practice of...
Argentina’s newly elected president, Alberto Fernández, has approved a new set of protocols designed to make it easier for women who have...
The New York Times has published an interactive history of abortion in America seeking to “inform” the reader that legalized abortion is...
A recent article by the London Times reports that, since the introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), births of babies with Down...
Irish pro-lifers have been embattled ever since the repeal of the Eighth Amendment last year, which legalized abortion. Now pro-lifers in the...
Not content with dominating most major media outlets, abortion activists are constantly seeking ways to prevent pro-life men from having any voice...
Vogue magazine may not realize it, but in their January issue lies a pro-life message. The fashion magazine features four celebrities and...
Julia Webb of Arkansas may have just set a world record. The pro-life mom of three recently won the Route 66 Half...
After Representative Candice Keller introduced HB 413, a bill that defines an “unborn child” as a person “from fertilization until live birth”...