On the heels of rejecting around $60 million of federal Title X dollars, Planned Parenthood appears to be seeking to expand its...
Sarah was 26 years old when she got the shock of a poorly-timed, positive pregnancy test. Already a mother of three, she...
A Tennessee state Senator recently claimed during testimony surrounding a heartbeat bill that a preborn baby has a “fully functional brain and...
After Illinois enacted an abortion law even more permissive than New York’s, the state is now joining a federal lawsuit intended to...
Over 140 artists, including Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and other well-known pro-abortion musicians and performers have signed on to yet...
In an opinion piece published in the New England Journal of Medicine, former FDA Commissioner Dr. Jane Henney and her co-author argue...
Scientific American has published an unscientific hit piece on the pro-life movement. Titled “Abortion Bans Based on So-Called ‘Science’ Are Fraudulent,” the...
New Jersey is considering making up the funding gap for Planned Parenthood in the state after the abortion giant pulled out of...
The Attorney General for Georgia, Christopher Carr, has asked an Atlanta federal court to dismiss the lawsuit filed against Georgia’s pro-life heartbeat...
Pro-life billboards across America are known for the messages of hope, compassion, and truth about the value of human life in the...
MSNBC’s Tuesday afternoon coverage of Planned Parenthood’s withdrawal from the Title X federal family planning program substituted pro-abortion hand-wringing and misleading insinuations...
Amanda Acevedo had been planning her perfect June beach side wedding for months. But when she went into pre-term labor with her...
Abortion advocates are upset that women searching for abortion and pregnancy-related words online might potentially still be “lured” toward pro-life pregnancy centers...
UPDATE, 9/12/19: According to the Texas Tribune, the Austin City Council has approved using taxpayer funds to help women get abortions. The...