Following a teenage abortion, Peter and Tricia DeMaio were determined to never have another abortion again. That all changed when Tricia faced...
By most standards, 19-year-old Cindy Collins was a naïve college student when she faced an unplanned pregnancy. It was 1973 and she...
Raised by strict, traditional parents who practiced Buddhism, Brianna Carter* (not her real name) was safely ensconced in a protected bubble for...
When Emily Berning graduated from college, she felt lost. Armed with a newly-minted degree and a desire to serve her community, she...
WARNING: This post contains information that may be disturbing to readers. At five years old, Marlene Downing loved visiting her paternal grandfather’s...
She was a bit of a rock and roll groupie, so when 15-year-old Elizabeth Bristol scored a date with an older guy...
Starting in the eighth grade and into her freshman year in high school, Marti Landis had a smoldering crush on her friend’s...
Judi Boyle was just 16 when she became pregnant. It was a time when parental approval was necessary to obtain birth control,...
For most of her life, Victoria Robinson longed to be part of a loving family. She grew up in a chaotic household...
Myra Jean Myers and her husband had children throughout the beginning of their marriage. When Myers discovered she was pregnant with her...
Seventeen years old, homeless, and with no parental guidance, Lisa Stribling discovered she was pregnant — again — as the result of...
Cecilia Sullivan was 17 years old when she discovered she was pregnant. Afraid to tell her mother, Sullivan waited for five months...
Molly White had never thought about abortion — but when she became pregnant as an unmarried 21-year-old, she remembers the doctor telling her...
In high school, Mark Bradley Morrow was an “All American Good Guy” who never consumed alcohol or took drugs. As an athlete,...