Want to save lives from where you are sitting right now? You can! And Yahoo Answers! can help. A few years ago,...
Pink doesn’t make abortion cute. Social media doesn’t make abortion cool. And the abortion industry has yet to catch on. As I...
If you take away life, there's no room for liberty or pursuit of happiness.
The real price of tasteless advertising.
Celebrate one birthday by helping to stop others!
Who's really extreme here?
Planned Parenthood has two choices: abandon the choice rhetoric, or abandon CFPA.
Planned Parenthood is not like China; Planned Parenthood is China.
The Good Samaritan analogy simply does not hold up.
Women can do (and have done) better than hanging their dreams on the subsidies of others.
A tribute to selfishness and convenience on Mother's Day.
A Texas woman’s novel way of dodging abortion regulations may be music to the ears of pro-choice advocates, but it highlights the...
The Virginia legislature recently considered a bill that would require women seeking an abortion to receive an ultrasound. Grasping for arguments against...
A pro-choice organization has launched a campaign that attempts to “normalize” abortion. When looking at their abortion testimonies, however, the website ignores...