According to a new pro-abortion group called Reproaction, women cannot be equal to men unless they have the right to abort their...
When tragedy strikes, we often lash out at whomever we can, especially if there is someone to blame. But one mother, a...
Planned Parenthood has always wanted to work with minors. They have created a market for themselves by linking up with the sex ed...
It started as a hobby. Robyn Rosenberger was working a full-time job in corporate America when she made her first super hero...
The recent scandal regarding Planned Parenthood and their involvement in the sale of body parts from aborted babies is now affecting other...
Three major corporations are distancing themselves from Planned Parenthood after the release of two undercover videos. The videos have blown open the...
Planned Parenthood has been claiming that the recently released undercover video exposing their sales of fetal body parts is “outrageous.” But the...
We all want to do our jobs to the best of our ability. The same is true for pro-choice OB/GYNs. And as...
In perhaps my favorite baby announcement to date, two brothers and their wives let the entire family and their friends (and the...
There’s a new rising star taking the fashion and modeling world by storm, and she’s got a one in a million smile....
[youtube] In an adorable video that showcases the bonding of a preborn baby girl and her parents, and the humanity of...
Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie launched his presidential campaign. Last night, he vetoed some major bills in New Jersey. And in...
Annie Ahern lived for only 14 hours and 58 minutes after birth, but two years later, acts of kindness in her honor...
A school teacher is suing the Pennsylvania State Education Association, the largest teachers’ union in the state, because she says they have...