In her early twenties and just out of college Jill Marquis thought marriage seemed like the thing to do. But after a...
A recent anonymous letter to the mother of a 13-year-old autistic boy named Max has been gaining a lot of attention on...
While on a field trip to the Indiana State Museum with her biology teacher during her freshman year of high school, Alyx...
Winning the culture war.
Every single person is a gift from God.
Women of Oregon beware!
Bernadette and Philip Smith were the proud parents of seven children – Philip Jr., Delores, Soma, Titus, Isaac, Israel, and Eden –...
To fight the war on the unborn, pro-lifers need to be well armed. They need strength. They need knowledge. They need faith....
With her father by her side, Tuesday Cain proudly displays the sign she and a friend made for their protest against the...
Despite numerous “potholes” in their 1,000 mile bike ride from New Orleans to Chicago, Biking for Babies met their goal of raising...
Every child is wanted.
Opening eyes.
Biking for Babies has two missions this July. One is to bike from New Orleans to Chicago in eight days. The other...
"This is totally working. Or maybe it isn't."