I have a daughter. We’ll call her Peanut. Peanut has cystic fibrosis. She is a survivor, in more than one way. She...
Abby Johnson devoted 8 years of her life to Planned Parenthood. On March 2nd, she spoke to approximately 700 people at an...
Even pro-choicers are a bit disturbed by the notion of after-birth abortion. After all, it’s just a less-offensive way to say “infanticide”....
Many view Roe vs. Wade as the court decision that gave women in the United States more rights. In reality, it was...
Terry O’Neill, President of the National Organization for Women is obviously running scared. She sees that the pro-abortionists are starting to lose...
Planned Parenthood is the best deceiver of young people since the evil queen tempted Snow White with that poisoned apple. They have...