My daughter has cystic fibrosis, and I fundraise for research to find a cure because I want my daughter to live a...
The U.K.'s leading abortion provider is afraid that the new wave of anti-abortion laws and protests will frighten young doctors away from...
Remember when Prince Harry dressed in Nazi attire for a party? Or when comedian Ricky Gervais tweeted pictures of himself dressed as...
Last week, pro-lifers in Idaho performed live ultrasounds on pregnant volunteers in order to show everyone watching that the non-traumatic ultrasound showed...
The picturesque Prince Edward Island, home to the beloved character Anne of Green Gables, is one of the safest places in the...
I hate abortion. I hate the word. I hate the “procedure.” Obviously, I hate that it’s legal. It’s heartbreaking and distressing that...
Jessica DelBalzo loves abortion. We know this because she wrote an entire post for RH Reality Check about her unwavering adoration for...
The pro-choice factions would like us to believe that abortion is all about the woman. The “It’s My Body” party line has...
Contraception will not be banned. We know this. Democrats know it. Republicans know it. But that doesn’t mean it should be free,...
The notion that men should have a say in abortion or “reproductive rights” seems preposterous to pro-choice groups. So much so that...
I have a daughter. We’ll call her Peanut. Peanut has cystic fibrosis. She is a survivor, in more than one way. She...
Abby Johnson devoted 8 years of her life to Planned Parenthood. On March 2nd, she spoke to approximately 700 people at an...
Even pro-choicers are a bit disturbed by the notion of after-birth abortion. After all, it’s just a less-offensive way to say “infanticide”....
Many view Roe vs. Wade as the court decision that gave women in the United States more rights. In reality, it was...