TODAY recently shared a story that host Hoda Kotb referred to as “sister goals,” except the story is getting pushback from viewers...
In an article for The Federalist, Catie VanDamme writes that after seeking the advice of doctors regarding her own “reproductive health,” she...
Update 4/9/2024: The Chicago veterinarian and dog show judge arrested on charges related to child pornography has pleaded not guilty. Adam Stafford...
According to the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam), over 4,000 private emails sent by pro-life advocates have been hacked by...
When doctors tell parents their baby has — or is likely to have — a Trisomy condition, it’s a difficult and life-changing...
The UK government has included being “anti-abortion” as one of the benchmarks of potential future terrorism, according to Right to Life UK....
A Nevada judge on Tuesday blocked the state from putting limits on how state Medicaid funding is spent on abortions, stating that...
The media’s portrayal of people with Down syndrome has grown more positive in recent years, with featured stories of people with Down...
Following his interview with Donald Trump on Sunday, Fox News host Howard Kurtz attempted to fact-check the former president on his podcast,...
A married father of five from Gig Harbor, Washington, is facing charges for allegedly attempting to abort his own child without his...
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, actress Kristen Wiig recalled how she used in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and a surrogate to have...
This week, the Texas Medical Board will begin its 30-day rule making process to craft guidance regarding what the legal ‘exceptions’ are...
A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with concealing the death of an unborn child after police found the body of a baby...
Paul Alexander, who was known as “the man in the iron lung,” has died at the age of 78 not long after...