The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is investigating a Joplin hospital at which a woman claims she was denied a...
Jimmy Kimmel, host of ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, dedicated his Tuesday show to election night and spent some time promoting abortion by...
In the past, actress Jennifer Aniston has revealed her support for abortion (the legal ‘right’ to end the lives of the preborn...
In 2019, Brian and Corrine Downey welcomed their baby girl, Victory, who was born with Trisomy 13, or Patau syndrome. Children with...
Vermont, California, and Michigan each enshrined abortion as a state constitutional right on Tuesday as voters turned out largely in support of...
Ahead of the possible passage of Proposition 1, which would allow abortion to birth for any reason in California, DuPont Clinic, the...
Following the fall of Roe v. Wade in June, Tennessee’s pro-life “trigger” law protecting preborn children from abortion from the moment of...
Actress Elizabeth Banks is making the media rounds as she promotes her new pro-abortion film “Call Jane” about pro-abortion activists in the...
Since the extremely flawed Turnaway Study was released in 2020, pro-abortion organizations and media outlets have cited it to falsely claim that...
Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri (PPSLR) has been advertising “free” vasectomies to underprivileged men in the wake of...
On a recent episode of The View, actress Anne Hathaway implied that women can’t be successful or plan their lives without the...
People Magazine has reported that a woman in Texas nearly died because state law didn’t allow her to have an abortion when...
Abortion advocates have long made a habit of exploiting women and girls in traumatic circumstances in order to promote legalized abortion for...
Live Action founder and president Lila Rose appeared on two episodes of The Dr. Phil Show this fall — and in episode...