In an editorial titled, “Rolling Back Abortion Rights After Donald Trump’s Election,” The New York Times, while criticizing an Ohio law that...
Roe v. Wade - indeed, the entire abortion culture in America - is built on insidious fabrications.
There is a fundamental difference between a nation that prohibits harmful acts, including abortion, and a nation that permits such acts.
How graphic abortion images affect the political process.
Taking pro-abort lying and propaganda to dizzying heights.
No need for hysteria.
The Constitution does not provide an unconditional right to life to any person. Pro-choice hysteria to that effect is unfounded.
Mount Sinai Hospital in New York ordered Cathy DeCarlo to assist in an abortion for a patient 22 weeks into her pregnancy....
Last week, Newt Gingrich told ABC News that he believes life begins at implantation. Today, Joe DeSantis, Communications Director for Newt 2012,...
In an interview with ABC News, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said he believes that life doesn’t begin until implantation. Science, though,...
Two facts. First, a strong majority of Mississippians are pro-life. Second, a majority of Mississippians voted against the personhood amendment, which stated:...
Sometimes pro-abortion proponents are so blinded by ideology that they can’t see the obvious. Take David Frum. The CNN Contributor wrote a...
It’s good to have friends in high places. Just ask Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood clinic in the Kansas City suburb of...
Amanda Marcotte at RH Reality Check wrote that “there’s really no way for anti-choicers to conduct themselves civilly when promoting their cause....