On Tuesday morning, Live Action released a stunning new investigative video showing just how deceptive Planned Parenthood is being when it touts...
Forty-four years have passed since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in all 50 states, and abortion facility closures are on the rise. Today...
On Tuesday morning, Live Action released a stunning investigative video, which shows that despite Planned Parenthood’s claims that women rely on them...
When abortion advocates celebrate the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton on January 22, we’ll...
Earlier this month, the Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom released a report on Medicaid fraud committed by Planned Parenthood — as...
They call it “standing with” Planned Parenthood, but what the abortion giant’s supporters and the media do is more along the lines of covering...
On the January 14 episode of “Saturday Night Live” abortion came up in a way one might not expect. Five friends are...
On January 12, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) took part in a CNN town hall. The event featured questions from...
During his Tuesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Jeff Sessions, a pro-life Republican from Alabama, reaffirmed his view on Roe...
This past year was an encouraging one for the pro-life movement, largely because American voters elected pro-lifers to the U.S. House of Representatives,...
Americans United for Life has released their 2017 Life List, “Based on How Well Women are Protected from Abortion Industry Abuses.” For...
As news of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to defund Planned Parenthood makes the rounds, along with news of a Congressional report...
Rolling Stone, which has put forth easily debunked pro-abortion points in the past, recently published an interview with Planned Parenthood CEO and president,...
Soon after the election, Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, was asked about his position on defunding Planned Parenthood. “We’ve already...