Live Action News recently addressed a segment on “The Five” during which co-host Geraldo Rivera voiced his support for the harvesting of...
The Washington Post has made no secret of their support for abortion and Planned Parenthood before, including recently. However, in a shocking change, the...
While Funny or Die released their video, “The Shocking Truth About Planned Parenthood” days ago, on August 6, it is now trending...
While the fifth video released by the Center for Medical Progress certainly has provided damaging insight into Planned Parenthood, the full footage–at...
On Monday morning, Ruben Navarette, Jr. authored a piece on abortion for The Daily Beast. What makes it so newsworthy -especially since...
On Friday morning, following his evening on the stage in Cleveland for the GOP presidential debate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio defended his pro-life record...
This is all about one simple exercise: disguising evil as a euphemism. For example, if you listen to somebody like Barbara Boxer,...
With the release of a fifth video from the Center for Medical Progress, damage has certainly been done to Planned Parenthood. One...
On Thursday night, Fox News Channel hosted a primetime debate with the top 10 GOP candidates, based on an average of the last...
On Tuesday, the fifth video was released by the Center for Medical Progress, showing top Planned Parenthood employees discussing the abortion giant’s...
With the U.S. Senate failing to defund Planned Parenthood on Monday, despite a majority voting to do so, pro-life leaders are seeking...
Following Monday’s unsuccessful vote in the U.S. Senate to defund Planned Parenthood, Janell Ross authored a piece for The Washington Post, titled, “How...
One day after the release of the fifth video from the Center for Medical Progress featuring a top Planned Parenthood employee discussing...
On her Facebook page and Twitter account, nurse turned pro-life activist Jill Stanek is featuring quite the graphic.