In January 2019, Carter Murai appeared in an episode of the iconic children’s show “Sesame Street.” The New Hampshire Union Leader reports...
An Ohio Hospital is facing allegations that employees euthanized 27 patients between 2015 and 2018. The Columbus Dispatch reports that Mount Carmel...
UPDATE, 1/25/19: Male nurse Nathan Sutherland, age 36, has been arrested for the sexual assault of the patient at Hacienda Health Care....
While having near world-record setting sit-up abilities might not seem to have an obvious connection to the pro-life movement, for Dean Yunghans,...
According to pro-life group Operation Rescue’s annual survey of abortion facilities in each state, the number of abortion facilities in the United States...
Canadian pro-life group Choice42 released another video in their popular “Just Saying” series to ring in the new year. The latest video...
Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, is set to be one of the featured speakers at the SEEK 2019 conference taking...
Decades of advocacy has ensured that people with Down syndrome are increasingly integrated into many parts of society—individuals with Down syndrome are...
Elective abortion has been legal in Italy for four decades, but, unlike many countries with legal abortion, the law recognizes the rights...
Abortion activists often claim that legalized abortion is necessary to protect women, but the existence of substandard care in the largely unregulated...
Last week Ireland’s parliament debated pro-life amendments to legislation allowing taxpayer-funded elective abortion. During the debate, several pro-abortion politicians revealed how willfully...
Nurses&Midwives4Life Ireland, a group of pro-life medical professionals, say that pro-abortion politicians have refused to meet with them to discuss their concerns...
Oprah Winfrey’s mother, Vernita Lee, passed away this year on Thanksgiving Day. She was 83. Oprah shared with People about the time...
A study from University College London examined how movements like kicking in the womb develop preborn babies’ brains. Mothers can feel their...