In a video released by March for Life UK, a post-abortive woman named Natalia recalled how she became pregnant at age 20. She and...
Canadian Patti Harrison was only 14 when she was brutally gang-raped by multiple men and was beaten and held captive in a...
In an article in People magazine, Lorijo Nerad, who was the president of Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA) — an early group of...
The documentary “Life After Abortion” collected the stories of post-abortive women, all of whom told of suffering severe feelings of loss, depression,...
The book “Back from the Brink: Saying No to Suicide” is a collection of true-life stories from people who have considered or...
Sidewalk counselor Maya was a deeply religious Catholic from an early age. Yet, in her conversion story, she describes how despite this...
Women sometimes die from legal abortions. The documentary “Life after Abortion,” directed by Brian Barkley, featured personal testimonies about two deaths from legal...
Americans United for Life examined health inspection reports from abortion facilities over 10 years in 39 states and documented violations in its...
In the film “Life After Abortion,” post-abortive women tell their stories. Many of the women testified about suffering physical complications after their abortions,...
The documentary “Life After Abortion,” directed by Brian Barkley, featured the testimonies of post-abortive women who regretted their abortions. One common theme...
The abortion facility Lovejoy Surgicenter, the oldest abortion facility in Oregon, closed recently but may open again under new management. A book...
The documentary “Life After Abortion” features testimonies from post-abortive women who describe agonizing pain and harsh treatment by abortion workers and abortionists. One...
A nurse who worked at an Indiana nursing home admitted to removing an oxygen mask from an elderly COVID patient intending to cause...
Americans United for Life analyzed abortion health inspection reports across the country and found that many abortion facilities failed to properly train staff...