A woman who regrets taking the abortion pill at just under eight weeks pregnant shared her story on the website AbortionChangesYou.com, saying...
A woman who took the abortion pill wrote at AbortionChangesYou.com that she became pregnant despite using birth control (an IUD) . She and her fiancé...
In an interview on PureFlix, former Planned Parenthood director Annette Lancaster gave her reasons for leaving the abortion industry. Lancaster says she didn’t...
A British mother of four children, two of whom are autistic, reported this month that she received hate mail telling her she should...
A woman who told her story on the website AbortionChangesYou.com says after taking the abortion pill, she bled heavily for eight weeks,...
A woman who shared her abortion story on AbortionChangesYou.com took the abortion pill, but her abortion failed, and she was instructed to...
A woman who took the abortion pill shared her story on the website AbortionChangesYou.com. She wrote that she was in a four-year...
A grieving mother whose daughter died by suicide after being encouraged and coached on how to kill herself by a pro-suicide website...
On the website AbortionChangesYou.com, a woman shared how she took the abortion pill, and felt tremendous regret afterward. The workers at the abortion...
A woman who took the abortion pill shared her story of regret on the website AbortionChangesYou.com. She was newly married when she...
Shortly after one 17-year-old girl took the abortion pill, she shared her abortion story on the page AbortionChangesYou.com, where she described being...
A woman who told her story on the website AbortionChangesYou.com was married with two children when she and her husband agreed not...
A post-abortive woman shared her experience with the abortion pill on the website AbortionChangesYou.com. She became pregnant by a man she was...
At the website AbortionChangesYou.com, a woman told her story of taking the abortion pill after becoming pregnant in November 2019 while in...