The pro-life group And Then There Were None sponsored a webcast in which former abortion worker Lisa Searle told her story. Searle is...
In Abby Johnson’s “Beautiful Lives” series on PureFlix, former abortion worker Julie A. Kunkel Wilkinson, who was once employed by late-term Colorado...
During her eight years working in the abortion industry, Abby Johnson advanced through the ranks to become director of a Planned Parenthood...
A Black California woman is suing the San Leandro Police Department for the loss of her preborn baby after a police officer allegedly...
Norma Rojo was an obstetrical nurse in the 1980s at Indio Community Hospital in Indio, California, and her hospital did abortions. On...
In response to COVID-19, the abortion industry has been pushing a “no test” protocol that would allow women to have abortions by...
An article in the Philadelphia Inquirer tells the story of Jane, a nurse who worked in a hospital that committed saline abortions....
Shortly after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion throughout the United States, a nurse watched helplessly as a baby born alive during a botched...
In the past, many late-term abortions were committed by injecting a caustic saline solution into a woman’s uterus. This solution burned the...
One author, who otherwise opposes abortion, summed up many peoples’ views on abortion in cases of rape when he wrote that a...
In 2019, a British judge ruled in favor of forcing a mentally disabled woman to have an abortion. In this egregious case,...
Diane Simoni was told at 20 weeks that her baby had severe health problems. She told her story of choosing to parent...
Tracy Haugen was happily pregnant and attending her first ultrasound when she got terrible news – her child had a potentially fatal...
In an article in Feminist’s for Life’s magazine “The American Feminist,” an anonymous woman told her story of rape and pregnancy. While...