Tracy Haugen was happily pregnant and attending her first ultrasound when she got terrible news – her child had a potentially fatal...
In an article in Feminist’s for Life’s magazine “The American Feminist,” an anonymous woman told her story of rape and pregnancy. While...
Lourdes Hnath discovered that her son Joshua had Down syndrome as well as a major heart defect when he was still in...
Julia Schoch’s adopted daughter Jaelyn was conceived in rape when her birth mother was only 13 years old. Their story was told...
Analyn Megison became pregnant after a brutal rape. In an article for The American Feminist, she writes, “I remember the smell of my...
Telling her story in Feminists for Life’s magazine “The American Feminist,” FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner says she was a college student working...
The pro-life group And Then There Were None, founded by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, has been hosting regular webcasts featuring...
A doctor in South Korea has been convicted of drowning a baby who was born alive during a botched third trimester abortion. The...
In the pro-life documentary Pro-Life Without Exception, Jim Hartman, father of Jesse, who has Down syndrome, spoke about the ways in which...
In an article for the journal Social Science & Medicine, abortionists and abortion workers discuss disturbing parts of their jobs in the...
Ruby Westmoorland — a mother who conceived a child in rape — and her granddaughter Veronica appeared in the documentary “Pro-Life without...
Julie Wilkinson worked at late-term abortionist Warren Hern’s abortion facility in Colorado. The emotional strain of her job led her to quit,...
In the documentary, Pro-Life Without Exception!, Edith Parkman of Mississippi spoke about becoming pregnant after rape. She gave birth to her daughter Clarissa...
In the documentary Pro-Life Without Exception, Illinois native Kimberly Cavanagh gave her testimony about becoming pregnant as a result of rape. It was...