Abortionist Dana Kusnir, who commits abortions at Whole Woman’s Health abortion facility in Texas, once described her job on a television news...
The book Abortion Care was written to educate future abortion workers. It gives training and advice to those who want to work...
A French author and her research team witnessed sonograms performed on pregnant women – some of whom wanted their babies and others...
Former Planned Parenthood worker Ava Torre-Bueno wrote about an experience she had while working as director of counseling in a Planned Parenthood...
In a book about abortion doulas, who comfort women as they abort their babies, pro-choice authors Mary Mahoney and Lauren Mitchell tell...
Ramona Treviño is a former manager of a Planned Parenthood facility who left her job and is now pro-life. In her book,...
An article in Us News and World Report, a publication not known for being pro-life, tells the story of Nichole Anderson, who...
In their book The Doulas: Radical Care for Pregnant People, Mary Mahoney and Lauren Mitchell wrote about setting up the Doula Project, an...
An article in US News and World Report tells the stories of several women who had abortions. One story begins, “Theresa F—...
Abortion doulas are volunteers to who try to comfort women during their abortions. In their book The Doulas: Radical Care for Pregnant...
On the blog “We Defend Life,” a pregnant woman named Tanya Beck shared her story of being pressured to have an abortion...
Pregnancy resource centers offer a great deal of help to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. In addition to free pregnancy tests and counseling,...
Most pro-abortion activists deny that women suffer emotionally after abortion. Pro-choicers claim “post-abortion syndrome” is a myth and that most women feel...
Dr. LeRoy Carhart, who commits late-term abortions, used no euphemisms in an interview with British reporter Hilary Andersson for the BBC on...