Abortion supporter Jordan Hunt recently made the news for roundhouse kicking a pro-life woman as she peacefully stood on the sidewalk. Hunt came up...
Lisa Harris is a late-term abortionist who works at Planned Parenthood in Michigan. She commits D&E abortions, in which the baby is...
Pro-abortion activist Jessica Valenti wrote about her two abortions in her book, Sex Object. Valenti describes finding a private abortion facility to do...
Much has been written about women who are coerced by their partners into having abortions. But minors are also pressured into abortions...
Pro–abortion feminist Jessica Valenti wrote about her two abortions in her book, Sex Object. She had her first abortion in her 20s at...
Abortion Clinic Days is a blog where abortion workers write about their experiences working in abortion facilities. The text at the top...
Pro-choice advocates claim that abortion empowers women. But in many cases, women are pressured into abortions by their partners or ex-partners —...
Dr. Roxana Chapman was an OB/GYN practicing in England right before abortion was legalized in that country. She had no personal experience with...
Oregon was the first state to legalize assisted suicide for the chronically and incurably ill. One common argument in support of assisted...
Brenda Pratt-Shafer worked at an abortion facility for only three days before the sight of dismembered babies compelled her to quit. One...
Former abortion worker Ruth Yorstan told her story at a 2012 conference sponsored by The Pro-Life Action League. Her parents were strongly pro-abortion;...
Former abortion worker Joy Davis originally worked in one abortion facility, then left to set up a new facility with abortionist Thomas...
Brenda Pratt-Shafer was a worker at a late-term abortion facility. In 2016, she wrote a book about her experiences working there. In...
The book Surprised by Life by Patrick Madrid is a collection of stories from people who converted to Catholicism. One story, told...