In a webcast entitled “Exposed: Clinic Worker Stories” on Monday, December 21, 2016, former abortion worker Margot described how her facility put...
In an interview for Think Atheist, an unnamed abortionist calls herself an “abortion specialist” and claims to commit “literally hundreds of abortions a year”...
An aspiration abortion, done in the first trimester, is committed by dilating the woman’s cervix, then inserting a surgical instrument called a...
On August 4-6, 2017, the pro-life group Consistent Life is holding its 30th Anniversary Conference. Consistent Life is a pro-life, pro-peace group...
Live Action has published many first-hand accounts from former abortion workers about the “counseling” in abortion facilities. Many times, this “counseling” is...
Many former Planned Parenthood workers have come forward saying that, in their experience, Planned Parenthood does not give women who are considering...
Christine Northrup is a former abortionist who wrote about her experiences in her book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. Although she stopped committing abortions...
Rhonda and Richard White authored a pro-life book called “Confronting Abortion Distortions.” One of the authors, Rhonda White, was originally pro-choice. In the...
In the book Abortion: A Positive Decision, which I’ve quoted from before, an abortion provider says the following: Abortion is something that we as women...
Early Options, an abortion facility in New York, has a fancy website featuring happy couples embracing. The facility advertises something it calls the “Soft Touch” method...
In a passage in his pro-abortion book Life’s Work: From the Trenches, a Moral Argument for Choice, abortionist Willie Parker describes seeing...
Former Planned Parenthood worker Abby Johnson was the staff director at an abortion facility for years before turning pro-life after witnessing a...
Kathleen Meikle, editor of the book A River of Tears, which collected the stories of women who had abortions, wrote the following about...
Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson collected former abortion workers’ stories for her book, The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell...