I was supposed to take the baby to wrap it to go to the morgue, but I took the baby to another room and held it...
Pro-abortion advocates insist that abortion doesn’t harm women. They try to present stories of women who are glad they aborted. Imnotsorry.net was a...
In a recent article in The Torch, nurse Cynthia Isabell, who once assisted in abortions, writes about how she talks to her...
Tonya P. is a former abortion facility worker who wrote the memoir From Behind Closed Doors: Abortions, Women, and their Choices, in which...
Danielle Kleber of Pennsylvania found herself pregnant after being raped by someone she knew. She was victimized while under the influence of pain...
Many people assume that giving birth to a baby conceived in rape is always devastating to the mother. There is a common assumption that...
Carol Everett was once the owner of two abortion facilities and the director of four. During her time in the abortion industry,...
Previously, I’ve written about the way abortion facility workers sometimes lie to women about the development of their babies and about abortion’s risks. In...
In a 2015 report by the European Centre for Law and Justice called “Late Term Abortion & Neonatal Infanticide in Europe,” a...
Women who have medical abortions (abortions by pill) often go through the traumatic experience of seeing their aborted babies’ dead bodies. Live...
The Guiding Star Project blog has the story of a woman who was forced to go to an abortion facility after her baby...
Robyn McLean was brutally abused and raped by her fiance. Her son AJ was conceived in rape, but McLean decided against abortion. In...
One of the reasons abortion facilities are able to commit so many atrocities against preborn children is that their actions are hidden....
Pro-choice activists have often complained about the shortage of abortionists in the United States. Late-term abortionists are even harder to find, and some...