Most pro-lifers know that adoption has never been a big part of Planned Parenthood’s work. But a little known book released decades...
A French midwife has come forward with an eyewitness account of witnessing a baby die after being born alive from a botched abortion....
In June of last year, the European Centre for Law and Justice released a report entitled “Late Term Abortion & Neonatal Infanticide...
Christine Allison, a mother of a child with Down syndrome, wrote about the blessings of raising her daughter, Chrissie. In her article for Human...
Pro-Choice author Miriam Claire wrote a book called The Abortion Dilemma: Personal Views on a Public Issue. In her research, she interviewed a disabled...
A French student midwife has come forward with a horrible tale of infanticide. In a document released by the European Centre for...
In her book The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories, Abby Johnson compiles the stories of former abortion center workers...
I witnessed evidence of the brutal, cold blooded murder of over 600 viable, healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months’ gestation....
Abortions in the third trimester are done by injecting a lethal dose of digoxin into the baby and inducing labor. The procedures take...
Abortionist Dr. Warren Hern’s abortion facility in Boulder, Colorado, does abortions all the way up until birth. He brazenly advertises third-trimester abortions on his...
Shelley Burtt, who had a child with Down Syndrome, wrote about why she was grateful for the time she had with her...
In an article in the prestigious British Medical Journal, an anonymous abortionist candidly discusses his work: I can now say openly that...
“Nobody wants to perform abortions after ten weeks because by then you see the features of the baby, hands, feet. It’s really...
Since the time of Susan B. Anthony, pro-life feminists have argued that abortion allows men to use women for sex. Abortions lets...