In 2009, Esquire reporter John H. Richardson wrote an article about late-term abortionist Warren Hern after touring Hern’s Boulder, Colorado, abortion facility. Richardson observed abortion workers...
In his book Abolishing Abortion: How You Can Play a Part in Ending the Greatest Evil of Our Day, Father Frank Pavone writes about conversations he...
Dr. Warren Hern, an abortionist who has committed thousands of D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortions and also does abortions up until birth, describes how...
“You read about me in history books, but now I am dedicated to spreading the truth about preserving the dignity of all...
I have written at length about how the ‘counseling’ in abortion facilities is often coercive, misleading and outright dishonest. In Cynthia Gorney’s...
One former clinic worker wrote a book about her experiences. Former clinic worker, Tonya P, who never identifies as pro-life in her...
The book Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a Feminist Clinic was written by from a pro-abortion perspective by feminist Wendy Simonds....
In an article in Bella Online, abortionist Dr. Toub addresses those who advocate letting laypeople perform abortions. Some abortion advocates have said that...
British abortionist Dr. Vincent Argent has been doing abortions for over 30 years and was once the medical director of one of...
Pro-choice author, Alesha E. Doan, wrote a book condemning pro-lifers. But in the following quote, she acknowledges how prolifers’ use of pictures...
David Boonin is a pro-choice philosophy professor who wrote the book A Defense of Abortion. The book is dedicated to supporting and promoting legalized...
Abortion facilities have a long and shameful history of lying to abortion-minded women about the development of their preborn babies. One post-abortive woman...
In November of 2014, a woman who identified herself only as Hope told her story of witnessing what sounds like a D&E...
Suzanne Staggenborg’s book The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism In the Abortion Conflict quoted early pro-choice leaders and traced the development of the...