In 1971, when abortion was legal in only a few states and the push to make it available in all 50 was...
Abortion facility owner Norma Goldberger recounts a story in which a woman at her clinic was told she aborted twins: One doctor told a...
A man who witnessed a late-term abortion while working in a hospital became pro-life because of what he saw. As I said in...
Pro-choice author Magda Denes interviewed people who worked at an abortion facility and observed abortions for her book In Necessity and Sorrow: Life...
In the book Life at All Costs: An Anthology of Voices from 21st-Century Black Pro-Life Leaders, former Planned Parenthood patient Tegra Little...
CONTENT WARNING: This article contains graphic photos of violence below . A woman whose job includes examining aborted babies has taken pictures of some...
Christine Allison, whose daughter has Down syndrome, wrote the following in an article in the Human Life Review in 1989: Most women who choose to...
Laurel Guymer was a nurse at an abortion facility who left the abortion business and was quoted in the book Giving Sorrow Words:...
Author Sue Hertz wrote the book Caught in the Crossfire: A Year on Abortion’s Front Line. She interviewed both pro-lifers outside abortion facilities and abortion...
In a 2011 editorial in The Washington Post, pro-choicer Ezra Klein defended Planned Parenthood and argued against defunding the organization. He used this...
A pro-choice researcher wrote about how the term “baby” is dreaded in abortion clinics. Feminist author Wendy Simonds interviewed abortion industry workers for her...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Marilynn C. Frederiksen testified under oath in the partial-birth abortion trials, explaining why babies are sometimes born alive in late-term abortions....
The study “Attitudes of Patients after “Genetic” Termination of Pregnancy” in the British Medical Journal found that parents of babies aborted due to disability or...
On November 13, I quoted former abortionist Dr. Robert Siudmack, who was featured in a video series called “The Truth about Abortion.” The...