A recent RH Reality Check article by Amy Littlefield titled, “The Day I Learned Aborted Fetuses Aren’t People,” offers insight into the perpetuation...
In 2012, a journalist at The Hairpin interviewed abortionist Nancy Stanwood. Overall, it’s a puff piece – the interviewer gushes with praise for...
News recently broke of a traveling abortionist who was arrested during a South Carolina drug bust. He and a partner, allegedly his wife,...
An Australian woman, identified as Genevieve, went to an abortion clinic still unsure about having an abortion. Driven to the point of...
New Republic author Christopher Caldwell relates how some women have abortions for frivolous reasons: The British gynecologist P. Greenhalgh writes of a rich...
Former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson was pivotal in legalizing abortion in New York before Roe v. Wade. After he became pro-life, he...
On October 8, Live Action News ran an article about an interview radio host Alan Colmes did with Diane Derzis, the owner of...
On October 7, I wrote about abortionists who treated their patients badly. I quoted clinic workers describing how the abortionists they worked...
Diane Derzis, owner of the only abortion clinic in Mississippi, was on “The Alan Colmes Show” defending abortion and complaining about laws requiring...
Sometimes even pro-choice clinic workers become frustrated with the attitudes of abortionists they work with. The truth is, with such a shortage...
Former Planned Parenthood clinic worker Judith Fetrow told her story at a conference sponsored by the Pro-Life Action League. Excerpts from her...
Many post-abortive women have talked about the lack of thorough counseling in the clinics where they had their abortions. Women have described the abortion...
Mandating that living, breathing, born-alive infants be regarded as human beings should not be very controversial, but children who survive abortions are often killed...
Pro-life writer Melinda Tankard Reist shares the testimonies of women who regret their abortions in her book Giving Sorrow Words: Women’s Stories...